In those days Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and He spent the night in prayer to God.
~ Luke 6:12
If you are keen to join Pieta Retreats for for bereaved parents in 2023, please email us.
Pieta Retreat
for Bereaved Parents
From time to time, we will invite religious or lay spiritual directors to organise prayer programmes or retreats tailored to support bereaved parents as a community. We have in the past invited the Verbum Dei Missionary and Lance Ng (Spiritual Director) to lead us in finding God in our pain and grief. These sessions allow us more time to enlarge our conversations with God and to deepen our relationship with Him as He walks with us along a healing path.
If you prefer a more private and personal guidance, Pieta's Spiritual Director, Sr Elizabeth Lim RGS, also runs the Good Shepherd Oasis, a centre for anyone who requires a safe space to find spiritual direction and healing support.

Learning to Listen to Life
- a Pieta Retreat for Bereaved Parents
Friday 16th April, 6pm to Sunday 18th April 4pm 2021
We came together with friends in the wider faith community to LISTEN to our interior selves and to be present with God. A deeply enriching, transformative and restful weekend "Learning to Listen to Life" and remembering our children and loved ones in heaven.
We thank Lance Ng for his gentleness, generosity and wisdom in leading us to discover what we need in God's eyes and showing us how to 'make room' for God in our lives.
Our thanks also to Fr Valerian Cheong for celebrating Mass, & to all present at the retreat for being part of this community of healing and hope. "Were not our hearts burning within us...." Lk 24:32

Pieta On-Line Retreat
A series of on-line guided reflections planned for parents bereaved by the death of a child.
Led by Lance Ng, over three Tuesdays from 7.30pm to 9.45pm
– 23rd June, 30th June and 7th July 2020 (via Zoom).

Love is Eternal
1 Cor 13:8
- a Day of Recollection for Bereaved Parents,
led by the Verbum Dei Missionaries ,18 April 2018